08:00 -08:30
Registration & Networking Coffee
08:30 - 09:30
Esteemed speakers, such as top-ranking executives from the Kuwait Ministry of Oil and Kuwait
Minis- try of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy, along with distinguished representatives
from Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, its affiliates, JV firms, regional NOCs and IOCs, and
significant service majors will deliver the keynote presentations. These experts will lead an
engaging opening plenary session, framing a comprehensive symposium program.Moderators: NADER SULTAN (Senior Energy Expert)
09:30 - 10:30
Regional GCC Plenary Session: Successful Progress, Implementations & Business Models
Moderators: NADER SULTAN (Senior Energy Expert)
10:30 - 11:15
S1: Fireside Chat - Kuwait Hydrogen Ascent,
Key issues and Cretical Prospective- Identifying the markets & end users
- Missed opportunities. What if we do not do it
- How to use Hydrogen Locally (to produce electricity directly or blend and use as fuel
Moderator: LYNN AMMAR (Managing Partner
Cleary gottlieb steen & Hamilton)
Session 5: Subsurface application (Panel Session Discussion)
Finding the best spot
Injection, Storage and Monitoring
Learning from Regional & International Experience