Nader H.Sultan is a Senior Partner in the company F&N Consultancy. The firm specializes in high level strategic advise related to the energy industry. Prior to this position,he had worked for 33 years in the Kuwait oil industry,and from 1993, he was the Deputy Chairman and Managing Director of Planning of the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC).
In 1998, he was also appointed as the CEO of KPC. He retired in September 2004 and formed F&N Consultancy with his brother Fawzi. He is currently the Director of the Oxford Energy Seminar,which is an annual two week program, at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford Univeristy. In Kuwait he is the Chairman of Ikarus Petroleum Industries, a newly established company with ownership in several petrochemical ventures in the GCC and serves on the Supervisory Board of the Al-Markaz Energy Fund.
Outside of Kuwait, Mr. Sultan serves on the International Advisory Boards of Dana Gas and Riverstone Holdings LLC, Schlumberger Business Consulting and the European and Middle East Panel for Nomura International Plc.
Since late 2009, he has served as a member of the Board of Directors of Fluor Corporation.
Mr. Sultan was educated at King School Gloucester,and is a graduate of the University of London with a B.Sc. degree in Economics in 1971.